
Why a Modern SEO Strategy is The Missing Link in Your Success Journey

Don’t know how to rank your local business website higher in search engine results? Fret not. With a correct and modern SEO strategy, you can give your small business the exposure it needs to compete with your competitors. 

In this article, we’ll share helpful SEO best practices that you can use to increase website visibility quickly. So without further ado, let’s begin!

1. Create Local Landing Pages

Creating local landing pages is a great point to initiate your modern SEO strategy from. The first thing you should do is look at your customer database and see where your customers come from. Then create local landing pages for them based on those locations. 

For instance, if your business offers services in Austin Texas, you can create a dedicated landing page for it. Here’s an example:

The use of local landing pages helps boost the visibility of your website in a specific location.It also gives the impression that your business is focused on a particular community. 

This helps build trust and loyalty with potential new and existing customers living in the targeted localities. 

It also shows your clients that you care about their customer experience by tailoring your landing page towards them.

“A good, local SEO plan is a crucial step in making your business an SEO success story.”

2. Make Sure Your Website is Responsive

Data shows that 50.81% of web traffic comes from mobile devices. This means that a considerable portion of your audience will miss out on your business if it has a poorly responsive website. 

Responsive design page and different icons.

Add in the fact that visitors access web pages through various devices such as tablets, desktop, mobile, and more. If their experience on each device isn’t good, they will be put off and avoid your business in the future. 

A responsive website also leaves a good impression on your users and increases the likelihood of them choosing you over the competition. Plus, a responsive web design is also an important factor in your business’ SEO optimization strategy.

3. Use Long-Tail Keywords

Studies indicate that long-tail searches generate 2.5X better outcomes than short-tail keywords. When you think about it, long-tail keywords allow for slightly more information related to your business, narrowing down search results to a much better and more concentrated target audience.

Long-tail keywords must be relevant to your business or service to be effective in this application, but they do wonders when you use the right ones.

keword research - strategy

Studies indicate that long-tail searches generate 2.5X better outcomes than short-tail keywords. When you think about it, long-tail keywords allow for slightly more information related to your business, narrowing down search results to a more concentrated audience.

Long-tail keywords must be relevant to your business or service to be effective in this application, but they do wonders when you use the right ones.

4. Optimize Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are an important element in a modern SEO strategy. They are the snippets of information that search engines use to rank websites. The exciting thing about meta descriptions is that you can change them frequently to match what descriptions users input in search engine query windows.

illustration of a girls and boy working on website content for seo strategy

When you have that information, combined with keywords that represent calls to action, your website traffic will increase, and your visitors will be those seeking whatever your website is promoting.

An ideal meta description has a maximum of 156 characters, and it should entice a user to take action immediately. An effective meta looks more like this: “buy an affordable bathroom sink near you” instead of “affordable bathroom sinks for sale.”

5. Create More Visual Content

You must have heard the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, that rings true on website content as well. Call it eye candy if you want, but for your website to grab, interest, and retain visitors, it has to look attractive and contain visually appealing content.

illustration of a girl and boy working on website content - seo strategy

Naturally, the images you include must be relevant to your service/product and the content the images are located within. One more thing images do on a website is they provide the perfect breaks of chunks of text. Using the right photos and alt texts can convey your point without writing long articles.

6. Integrate Social Media into Your SEO Strategy

According to the Wall Street Journal, social media marketing was a completely different strategy for several years. But, now, it has become an integral part of modern SEO.

social media marketing illustration - seo strategy

Data verifies that the best marketing results come from a seo optimization plan where the message is consistent across all possible feeds. It makes sense because the reach of a combination of websites and social media is far greater than any one of them by themselves.

Social media marketing puts your business in a position to communicate with your audience. It also gets people talking about and sharing your posts and increasing your reach.

7. Add An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Page

A lot of internet users look to find answers to their questions. An FAQ page enables you to do a few positives for your website and business.

illustration of women with FAQ word-Seo strategy

First, FAQ pages are an SEO trend per Forbes Magazine.

“It’s an excellent tool that will increase the organic search traffic to your website.”

Second, availability answers improve the authority of your business because you had the answer your readers were looking for.

Finally, an FAQ page serves as a lead generation tool. It enables you to include a simple form for visitors to fill out their questions or subscribe to your newsletter. Here’s an example from Digital Authority Partners on how an FAQ section can be added seamlessly to a landing page.

8. Add Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most cost-effective marketing tools available. Your business can get a competitive edge by simply investing in PPC campaigns.

drawing of a computer screen displaying ppc ad campaign

The competitive edge of PPC campaigns is that they’re purely target-driven. Plus, you only pay for the click traffic, not the seen traffic. You can use low-competition keywords, which in return increases brand awareness at a price that won’t break the bank.

Final Thoughts

The internet has changed how businesses market themselves. We no longer just rely on walk-in traffic to meet our financial goals; instead, we make strategies to reach out to potential customers and convert them.

Moreover, with competition jumping into the world of modern technology, you need to embrace the wonders of internet marketing to stay competitive in your business niche.

Businesses can achieve competitiveness by implementing a mix of best SEO strategies. The key points mentioned above are a few best practices that can help you craft a solid SEO optimization strategy.

Integrate them into your SEO optimization strategy to increase audience interest in your business offerings.

Feel free to comment your thoughts on this post. Also, let us know if there’s any point we missed out on.

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